Monday, September 22, 2008

science transformed me into a monster.

LV enjoys hanging around the sendero natural, which is the tourist trail. often times i will be in the bush following a monkey and i will hear tourists walk by exclaiming ah! mira! monos! hay monos!! i get a tad bit anxious when this happens because i know what's coming next. the inevitable. so i plug my ears and cringe to hear them scream as i tromp my way out of the bush. i feel like the swamp thing with vines, leaves, and dirt oozing out of every crevice... emerging from the scary green forest to steal the tourist tico children. i suppose that it can be healthy to understand how it feels to be a monster. hard life i say.

...or sometimes i feel like the arrested development character buster bluth when he attends milford academy. "i shall neither be seen nor heard." i try to live by this quote and hide behind trees until they pass.

often times i cannot hide because i am collecting a fecal sample or doing a focal follow. school children will laugh at me and call me gringO. which translates to "white boy." this tourist trail is giving me a complex.

the sendero natural is also giving my bladder a complex. one of the comforting things about working in the field is that the forest is your restroom. you can go anywhere anytime. except when you are on the tourist trail. when i am peeing on the tourist trail i feel like a bit of an exhibitionist. i nervously flit my eyes around the area while i .. you know... urinate.. worrying that i will hear a tourist scream because they have found my round. white.. rump. oh well.. i suppose there is nothing better than a little nervous excitement to get your bladder goin'.

1 comment:

JM said...

i love monsters. and buster. and you.