Saturday, July 12, 2008

"waking up at 5 isn't so bad..." wait, what?

so today, i caught myself saying, "waking up at 5 isn't so bad," excited that i didn't have to get up at 3:30 the next morning to wake up monkeys. i never thought those words would have ever come out of this mouth. i suppose it's all relative.

some highlights from the past couple of days are-- that i saw a juvenile tapir and that cayenne ate an adult magpie-jay. how about THAT for bloodsport2008.

cayenne (alpha male pretty boy)

cayenne eating the jay and refusing mostaza and nutella's advances

picture of the jay corpse after cayenne picked its bones.

plus nutella (who i now refer to as nutjob) keeps eating soil. he also won't let me focal follow him. i now can id all adult males and females within seconds of looking at them. i mean i guess you get to know your monkeys pretty fast when you spend 13 hours a day with them.

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